Please click on the appointment type that you have chosen and your forms will appear. Please print them out then complete them and bring them with you when you come for your appointment.
Also, please print our preparation sheet and follow the guidelines before the day of your appointment:
Full Body (Female): 60 min. appointment - $425
Full Body (Male): 60 min. appointment - $425
head, breast/chest, back, abdomen,
upper and lower extremities
Region of Interest: (ROI) 30 min. appointment - $180/1 region or $290/2 regions
Choose one of the following:
Lower extremities
Upper extremities
2 ROI or Half Body (Female): 45 min. appointment - $355
2 ROI or Half Body (Male): 45 min. appointment - $355
Immune Health Check: 30 minutes - $180
This type of screening can be the first level indicator of physiological changes relating to existing or developing autoimmune dysfunction.
Please complete the Immune Health Check forms in addition to any other type of Thermography you may be coming in for on the same day as an Immune Health Check Thermography
Breast Screening: 30 min. appointment - $180/visit or $310 for 2 visits (when paid at time of 1st visit)
To establish a baseline requires 2 appointments, 3 months apart
Breast & ROI: 30 min. appointment - $290
Includes Breast and your choice of one of the following:
Lower extremities
Upper extremities
Women's Health Check: 45 min. appointment - $355
head, neck, breasts, back, and abdomen
We offer in-person consultations with a practitioner at our office for those who want further recommendations based on their Thermography results. This is an additional fee of $275 and also includes our HeartQuest Functional Evalution Test.
Thermal Imaging of Morton is not a medical provider and therefore cannot provide service codes that may be normally billable to insurance companies. Any service you receive from Thermal Imaging of Morton cannot be billed to any insurance company.
The The United Breast Cancer Foundation is now offering financial assistance for thermography exams. Click on the button to apply today!
60 Minute PEMF session - $80
30 Minutes PEMF session - $40
10, 60 minutes sessions - $650
10, 30 minute sessions - $350
If it is your first time utilizing our PEMF services we offer an introductory package that consists of 3, 60 minute PEMF sessions for only $99!
15 minute PhotonWave Color Light Session $40
Package of 10 Sessions $350
Please complete this questionnaire before coming into our office for your first PhotonWave session:
15 minute LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast Therapy with biking $35
Package of 5 Sessions $160
Package of 10 Sessions $300
Thermal Imaging Of Morton
112 E. Queenwood Morton, IL 61550 US
Copyright © 2025 Thermal Imaging Of Morton - All Rights Reserved.